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the authentic experience

personalised to you. 

discover our interactive AI-powered APP & audioguide. 


The relevance of
information is subjective.

Museum visits can be everything between overwhelming and underwhelming, depending on the visitor's individual interests and upfront knowledge.


What matters to one, may be completely irrelevant to others. A substantial gap curators have to breach to satisfy the "average" visitor.


We strive to solve this by leveraging technology to pick up the visitor,

wherever one is. 




tailors your museum
to every single visitor.

Our application enhances user engagement by intelligently customizing content to match the unique interests and curiosities of each visitor. Leveraging AI technology, it acts as an adaptive audioguide, evolving with every piece of feedback received. Use your voice to ask follow-up questions to effortlessly navigate the flow of information, ensuring a hands-free experience that provides just the right information for you. 


that visitors actually want.

Interact via voice
or suggested questions. 
Always helpful,
never intrusive.

Seemlessly navigate between objects & rooms,
by swiping left/right, or scanning the objects QR-code.

Personalised information
that matters to you.
Immerse yourself in a
flow-like experience.

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Our mission

is fostering "Flow" among museum visitors - a mental state where a person is fully immersed in an activity with focused energy, involvement, and enjoyment. In this state, individuals often experience a loss of self-consciousness and a sense of timelessness. Famous psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who developed the flow princple, describes balancing challenges with one's skills, interests, and receiving immediate feedback, as the core requirements to achieve flow.
This is what we help Visitors achieve at Nuseum.


Experience our prototype first hand

Get in touch and get a live demo.

Who we are

Both grown up just outside Vienna, we've always shared the curiosity to discover and learn new things. With nuseum, we strive to foster such experiences for museum visitors by leveraging our versatile backgrounds as Venture Builder,
AI Engineer and Data Scientist. 

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